
Thursday 17 December 2015

Launching the Solar System Walk

Once we had secured funding and had set up the walk, all that remained was to get the word out that it was there and encourage some folk to try it out. The walk is laid out on the 1,000 yard scale, where 1 inch represents 100,000 miles. At the Bonchurch end is a scale model of the Sun and the distance to Pluto can be walked in 1,019 paces, the equivalent of 3,666,000,000 miles! Each planet passed along the way is marked by a plaque with some key facts on.
Stokey's Solar System Walk in Ventnor with model of the Sun

On Saturday28th November, Dave and Dianne from the Crab and Lobster Tap kindly accommodated us for coffee and lunch when a group of invited guests attended Stokey's presentation in the Masonic Hall opposite. He used his expert knowledge to deliver an engaging interactive presentation to illustrate the size and timescale of the solar system, and introduced the concept of the Solar System Walk.

Sadly the weather was so inclement that we were unable to complete the whole walk, but, armed with newly acquired knowledge, most of the guests have since been able to enjoy the walk in kinder weather.

Among the guests were teachers from St Catherine's School, The Island Free School and the Allnatt Centre at East Dene, who were keen share Stokey's knowledge with their students and use the walk as a resource. Liz and Stephen Izatt came along from Ventnor Arts Club, as did Helen and Frazer Cunningham from Vintage Vacations. Bernard Cawley represented Ventnor Enhancement Fund and we were pleased that Wightlink  journalist Karen Woods came all the way from Fareham to see what the walk is all about.

We were very pleased with the enthusiastic response to the event and have since enjoyed to seeing locals and visitors enjoying the walk and taking in a bit of knowledge with the sea air!

Stokey's Solar System Walk in Ventnor